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Lipoma is a non-cancerous growth of fat cells that typically appears just under the skin. They are usually soft, painless, and moveable. Lipomas can occur anywhere on the body, but are most commonly found on the neck, shoulders, back, abdomen, arms, and thighs. While they are generally harmless, lipomas can sometimes cause discomfort or cosmetic concerns.

They occur when there is an overgrowth of fat cells in the body. While the exact cause of lipomas is not known, they tend to run in families and may be associated with certain medical conditions.


The surgical procedure for removal of lipoma involves making a small incision in the skin and removing the fatty tissue. The wound is then closed with sutures or glue, sometimes two layers of stitches and sometimes just one, and a dressing is applied to protect it. Due to the clinical governance regulations and as per the best practice guidance, all skin lesions excised will be sent to the laboratory for histopathology to confirm the diagnosis.


Dr Chowdhury will inspect the lipoma before attempting to remove it. He won't perform the removal if he doesn't deem it is safe to do so. 


If you have any questions or would like to schedule a free consultation, please contact us via WhatsApp -07404430685

Lipoma close up
Image of lipoma on the shoulder before excision


Image of lipoma on the shoulder after excision


Image of lipoma.

Lipoma after removal

  • How long does the treatment take?
    After a full consultation with Dr Chowdhury, a bespoke treatment plan will be devised. Treatment usually takes between 20-30 minutes but may take longer depending on the number of areas treated.
  • What results can I expect?
    Results start to appear approximately 3-5 days after treatment and peaks at around 2 weeks. A complimentary top up at 2 weeks is available if necessary.
  • What are the risks and side effects of anti-Wrinkle Injections?
    Anti-wrinkle injections are a relatively pain free treatment, with only mild discomfort during treatment. There may be mild soreness, swelling or bruising after the treatment which tends to subside after 24 hours.
  • Is there a down time associated with the treatment?
    Most clients do not experience down time after treatment and can continue with their day as normal. Any swelling, redness or bruising tends to subside within 24 hours.
  • What is classified as one area?
    The following are classified as one area: · Frown lines · Forehead lines · Crow’s feet · Bunny lines · Down turned Mouth · Gummy smile · Dimpled chin · Peri-oral lines More than one area can be treated in one sitting.
  • Do I need any follow up after my anti-wrinkle injection?
    Yes, we will book you a follow up after 2 weeks and provide a free top up injection if required.
  • Who will perform the procedure?
    All procedures at Astounding Skin Aesthetics are performed by Dr Chowdhury after a consultation and full assessment.
  • How long do the result last?
    Duration of results varies from person to person depending on external factors such as metabolism. However, on average, results tend to last between 3-4 months after which you may wish to return for further treatment.


(Inclusive of histopathology lab cost)

1 Lipoma (<5cm)


Sebsequent Lipoma (<5cm)


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